Privacy & Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:


Personal Information:

By shopping at Fredriksen, you agree to our data protection policy and the processing of your personal information. We prioritize your privacy and collect only the necessary information to process your order. We will never sell or disclose your information to third parties without a legal basis. Fredriksen is responsible for handling the personal information you provide as a customer. Your data is processed by us to manage your order. Below is an overview of how we store and process your data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Information Shared and for What Purpose?

Payment Provider: When you make a purchase, we share your information with our payment provider. This information includes your first name, last name, address, and email address. Our payment providers include Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Apple Pay.

Delivery and Production Companies: To fulfill and deliver your orders, we share specific information with delivery and production companies. This information includes your first name, last name, and address. Additionally, your email address and/or mobile number may be shared for notification purposes.

Right to be Forgotten: You can request the deletion of your personal information at any time. There are some exceptions to this right, such as information that must be retained to fulfill a legal obligation (in accordance with the Accounting Act).


Information cookies

If you post a comment on this site, you can ask us to remember your name, email and website. This information is stored in a cookie and is there to make things easier for you. You then do not need to enter this information again the next time you post a comment. These cookies expire after one year.

If you visit our login page, we will create a temporary cookie to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and disappears as soon as you close your browser.

When you log in, cookies are created that store your login information and choices you have made regarding how content should be displayed. Cookies with login information expire after two days, while those with display choices last for one year. If you tick “Remember me”, your login information will be kept for two weeks. If you log out of your account, these cookies will disappear.


Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (eg videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the website from which the embedded content originates.

These websites may collect information about you, use cookies, embed tracking systems from third parties and monitor what you do through this embedded content. This also includes tracking your actions via the embedded content if you have an account and are logged into the website.


Your rights regarding information about you

If you have an account on this site or have left comments, you can request an export file containing the personal data we hold about you. This includes all data you have given us. You can also request that we delete all personal data we have about you. This does not include information that we are required to store for administrative, legal or security reasons.